It is already the end of September. Where did summer go? Like most people I feel that time is flying by faster and faster as I get older. Yes, no excuse as to why we have taken a hiatus from the blog but…
I had the honor of completing the inaugural Stan’s Donut 5K this August with my daughter. Like most major cities, in Chicago you can find a number of fun runs being hosted each weekend. Some runs celebrate a national holiday while others want you to run in bubbles or eat burgers and drink beer at the end. I told my daughter that we could run a 5K together this summer since I was unable to run a race with her in April that she had trained for. Some friends decided to run this race so we thought we would join them. With my daughter being only 9 I am still concerned about her getting trampled or lost at some of the large races hosted downtown in Grant Park. Fortunately, this race was held at a smaller park on the north end of the lake front trail and was an easy event to get to. The size of the event was also small enough that the route stayed on the lake front path and avoided most automobile traffic. Unlike most kids, Mia does a good job with pacing herself. We are definitely not fast in our family but I have hounded her with the idea of running at a “pace” enough that it has stuck. Being a donut run we were treated with mini donuts twice along the route. Unfortunately, there was only one water station so if you indulged in the second donut you may have been a little parched by the time you finished. Mia was doing great until the dreaded side stiches kicked in. However, when I suggested she forgo the second donut station she determined that she would rally and not be sidelined by the pain. At the end we were treated to a donut shaped medal and a large donut and coffee. The post race area had a number of fun donut inspired activities as well. All in all it was a well-organized race that I would run again. Oh, and the best part, Mia had a PR.