It is that time of year that everywhere you turn on social media, in news, on print you see advertisements for new year’s resolutions, diets, exercise, and goals for 2018. As a society, it just makes sense, new year means a great time to start something. Of course, after we are all thoroughly exhausted from the holidays and cannot eat or drink another thing are bodies are telling us we need something new and exciting. So, in theory, this makes sense. However, when we are in the dark of winter and most of the U.S. is seeing extremely cold temperatures for a lengthy period of time all we want to do is snuggle on the couch and eat and drink more.
I generally do not make New Year’s resolutions. I can reflect on the past year and what I have done or can do better. So, let’s take a look at the highlights. Right at the start Aubrene and I got Grit and Stride launched. It was such a huge accomplishment. However, I must be better about writing more frequently since I have not done so since October. I managed to spend quality time with my family and take some great trips this summer while still training for the marathon and not letting it consume me. Well, I do feel like I was spread very thin at points and it took a toll on my body. I guess we should talk about the marathon next. I decided in the spring to tackle 26.2 again. A great accomplishment to complete the training program and the actual marathon. Here comes the but…. We know I was not happy with my performance. Lastly, I completed a very comprehensive Pilates training program. At times I was ready to throw in the towel but some how I managed to get it done and become fully certified in September. The downside is job searching has not quite gone my way.
What I am looking forward to in 2018? I said I do not sent goals, right? But a girl has got to aim for something. This week I am starting to teach classes at two new studios. Lifestart Wellness is a corporate gym in the loop area and I will be teaching mat Pilates classes. I am also very excited to start at Hang5 where I will be teaching Float Pilates on a surfboard. Go balance! I am still looking for other business opportunities and hope to soon launch my own fitness training website. I will also be trying to strengthen myself, so I can come back as a better, stronger runner. Eventually there has to be another marathon in my future. As for nutrition, I will definitely not say I will be dieting but as the buzz phrase is out there I will be “eating healthy”. After the two weeks of extreme cold the sun is out, and 30 degrees feels balmy. This is the day you look forward to pushing you out into the new year. That is until the next cold front comes through.
Cheers to you and your better self in 2018!