Disclaimer: I’m promoting the ART VAN TURKEY TROT CHICAGO as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

So why should you consider doing the 40th annual Art Van Turkey Trot?
I t benefits the Greater Chicago Food Depository
It is family friendly with kids races and multi distances, stroller friendly
Lincoln Park location is not far from public transit
The zoo is open after the race if you want to check it out, the zoo is free!
Medals for ALL race groups
If you are 40 this year the medals have 40th on them!
Cute 40th turkey shirts
Free LaGunitas beer if you are 21 and over
FREE race pictures
Post race food and beverage including apple cider
Pre and Post race activities including turkey bowling
Groups of 10 or more get additional swag and the chance to win a Jewel gift card
These are just some of the many reasons for joining Marie and I at the Art Van Turkey Trot Chicago (We will be with Race Guards). Use code 17BIBRAVE10 to save 10% off all distances.