Ideas for Thankful Thursday and thankful kids around the holidays:
Clean out the pantry or buy extra food at the store with all the sales for the local food pantry. Many churches have donation drops. The one local to us is St. James Food Pantry or the Greater Food Depository.
Do a Turkey Trot like the Art Van Turkey Trot in Lincoln Park that has a food drive and donates towards the Greater Chicago Food Depository. If you want to register use the code 17BIBRAVE10 to save 10% on all distances. Marie and I will be there helping with Race Guards, say hi to us if you are there!
Send out cards to Jacob Thompson for Christmas

(he loves penguins, Legos, Minecraft, Star Wars & police officers). Unfortunately Jacob is suffering from Stage IV neuroblastoma and likely has less than 1 month to live. He is asking for Christmas cards. Cards can be sent to:
Jacob Thompson
c/o Maine Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street
Portland, ME 04102
When you are busy with all the holidays have to offer have the kids make general holiday or picture cards. You can send them out to local nursing homes, hospital floors where they decorate the floors or patient rooms. This is particularly touching to those that have no family in the area or no family in general for the holidays.
Coat and clothing drives or adopt a family/person. The Salvation Army will donate to a local family and you can do all your donations virtually if that is easier during this busy time. Toys for tots have many drop off locations you can donate a new unwrapped toy at one of the many locations for a child in need.
These are just a few suggestions of what we are doing this year but there are many others. One week until Thanksgiving we hope it is a calm one. Leave a comment or let us know what you think on Twitter or Instagram.