I am officially into week 4 of the marathon training program. You would think by now I would have my routine down but with my daughter’s school year just ending today and trying to log a number of Pilates hours I definitely do not feel like I am in a routine yet. With the very warm temperatures the last few weeks I have gotten up earlier and earlier to get my runs in. When the alarm has gone off I have thought “why am I doing this?” on numerous occasions. Of course, once I am up and out there that thought has gone from my mind. Truth be told, regardless of marathon training I would still have to get up early in the summer to complete any type of workout due to childcare restraints.
This past Saturday, I got up extra early because of the impending storms and had to complete my 8 mile run before my spouse needed to leave for work. I checked my weather app and it indicated there was an 85% chance of storms starting at 6 am and the radar was already various shades of green. Rain is fine for running but storms are not. I decided to postpone my run until Sunday morning. After lying back down and not being able to fall asleep I decided to get up at 6 am and give it a go. I quickly put on my clothes and was ready to leave when my husband pointed out it was pouring. Again, I decide not to run. Somehow, the weather prediction was wrong. It did rain for a short period of time but the storms never materialized. I was so crabby the entire day. I felt like a failure not completing my scheduled workout. My family could not stop commenting about my foul mood. I of course got up early on Sunday and completed the necessary miles in cooler temperatures and less humidity. However, Sunday is my prescribed rest day. I should have already gotten my run in! The reality of it is that I probably made the better choice to wait and complete a successful run but someone needs to explain that to my anal-retentive self.
Tomorrow, I will be attending my early morning speed training group. I loved everything about this group last year- the people, coaches, location, time, proximity to my house… However, the location has changed, it is further from my house, and the people are not the same. I am sure you can guess how I feel about this.