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Marathon Training Part Due

With marathon training starting this past week I look back at the post I wrote last year. It will be interesting to see how things change training for my second marathon. I can say the first group training was still a bit like the first day of school, I even heard a fellow runner say these exact words. However, I am a bit more comfortable starting round two. I even paced my group for a few miles. Good luck to my Grit and Stride partner, Aubrene, who will be tackling the triathlon I mention below.

Here we go!

I received my training plan this week. This officially starts as week one. I do love structure in my life but I am also trying to complete a sprint distance triathlon on 6/12/16. It is difficult to marry up my training schedules. Once the triathlon is over it is full steam ahead. I can follow a recipe, right? The first group run is this Saturday. It is only 6 miles but I am a bit nervous. It is like the first day at a new school. No turning back now.

Week 2

Well my first CES training run went ok. Yes, it is definitely like the first day of school. I did however find out that I may need to reduce my pace for long runs by 30 seconds to a minute to reduce any injuries. Definitely makes sense to me. This week is my last week to concentrate on triathlon training. I am so over it. The weather goes from 90 on Sunday to 70 with possible severe storms. I am hanging up my goggles after Sunday. Looking forward to concentrating on the marathon and putting a training schedule in place.

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