Goal One for 2017 Complete! After one year and many discussions we finally have done it. Done what, you ask? Create a site about running, fitness, food, and life experiences. Grit and Stride can mean different things to different people. For us, Grit is all about gourmet eats to necessary fuel to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Stride is all about the fitness and activity necessary to maintain good health mentally and physically. We hope you want to take this new and amazing journey with us. Aubrene and Marie#Stride
After one year and many discussions we finally have done it. Done what, you ask? Create a site about running, fitness, food, and life experiences. Grit and Stride can mean different things to different people. For us, Grit is all about gourmet eats to necessary fuel to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Stride is all about the fitness and activity necessary to maintain good health mentally and physically. We hope you want to take this new and amazing journey with us. Aubrene and Marie#Stride